China | Chaguan

China’s demand for undivided loyalty is causing tragedy in Hong Kong

Wherever people have choices, Xi Jinping’s China is more feared than loved

OVER THE past four months as many as 2m Hong Kongers—or more than a quarter of the city’s residents—have marched to demand the scrapping of a bill that would have exposed criminal suspects to the mainland’s courts. Those protests were a stunning vote of no confidence in China’s Communist-controlled legal system. They worked: the extradition bill is being withdrawn.

It is hard to imagine a clearer rallying cry for the many mainlanders who distrust their own justice system. Their cousins in Hong Kong, guaranteed access to independent courts and uncensored news under the rubric of “one country, two systems”, could not bear to live as mainlanders must every day. But dissent in Hong Kong has not proved contagious.

This article appeared in the China section of the print edition under the headline "Hearts and minds"

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From the September 28th 2019 edition

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